I will try to improve.
When Jack and I first got married I decided to do a "yearbook" of pictures each year. I'm so glad I did because I already love looking through the two we have and remembering some really good times. It also motivates me to take more pictures of not just special occasions, but some of the everyday as well. I am always a little disappointed at the end of the year when I don't have as many as I thought I did, but it's better than none. It also is a good way to showcase some pictures without having to spend money on tons of prints. I am starting to design our third one and picked out some pictures of highlights throughout the year.
It snowed last year...twice...
We celebrated Valentine's Day at the Poinsett...surprise to me...If I had known I wouldn't have let him spend money on that, but it was really nice and we had a great time!
We rescued the sweetest puppy on our way to Georgia. We named her Georgia.
We celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary in Savannah, Ga. We stayed in an upstairs apartment of a town home instead of a hotel which made it feel like our own little vacation home;)
We made our first visit to Tybee Island while we were there. It was so nice before the crowds showed up, but once the tide went out the beach went for miles and miles...I really have never seen anything like it...hard to explain.
We swam a lot...
We took our first trip to Skytop Orchard after hearing about the apple doughnuts...
Did something I've always wanted to do around Halloween...a corn maze!
Time came to get rid of Jack's hand-me-down recliner...got him a bargain 2-seater for his birthday...
Surprise dinner for my birthday cooked by Jack...It was tasty!
Got our pictures made in our wedding attire one last time!
Went on our annual trip to get our Christmas tree...with two dogs this time.
Decorated with retro lights again.
Had our first white Christmas as a family.
It was a very good year and we were blessed to be able to experience a lot of new things, see new places, and create lasting memories. I think we're most thankful for God's provision and Him choosing to discipline us in so many areas. Many times I wonder why certain things happen or don't happen and feel like we're the only ones struggling with certain things, but it always ends with us thanking Jesus for growing us in that certain area and showing us our need for Him. He is so good and I'm excited to see what He does in 2011!