I've been bad at blogging regularly. My apologies to the few people who may read this;). I have good reasons (this, this, this, and this) and I'm enjoying them!
I got to take some really fun pictures lately...If you recognize the boy below, please don't mention it to his mom...The pictures are a surprise for her birthday...Good idea, dad!


He was the friendliest baby I've ever met!
Reece is a regular on my blog...If you look back over posts you can see her growing up..pretty cool.

Reece did awesome for our shoot! I've been worn out after shooting kids on the move. It's tough to get the shots you want, but I'm so happy with how they turned out.
...and I also did some pics for my sister-in-law who will be in the Miss South Carolina Pageant this summer. This is the crown shot she chose...

I love springtime. The best part about it is the beautiful blooming trees and flowers. It is hands down my favorite thing to photograph. I think my dream job would be a nature photographer, maybe national geographic;) When I photograph nature, I always look at it as design..mostly for interior design...Like the picture below, I was thinking blowing it up on canvas for a living, dining, or bedroom.

I have a whole series of these that I'll post soon.
Have a good Thursday!
I got to take some really fun pictures lately...If you recognize the boy below, please don't mention it to his mom...The pictures are a surprise for her birthday...Good idea, dad!


He was the friendliest baby I've ever met!
Reece is a regular on my blog...If you look back over posts you can see her growing up..pretty cool.

Reece did awesome for our shoot! I've been worn out after shooting kids on the move. It's tough to get the shots you want, but I'm so happy with how they turned out.
...and I also did some pics for my sister-in-law who will be in the Miss South Carolina Pageant this summer. This is the crown shot she chose...

I love springtime. The best part about it is the beautiful blooming trees and flowers. It is hands down my favorite thing to photograph. I think my dream job would be a nature photographer, maybe national geographic;) When I photograph nature, I always look at it as design..mostly for interior design...Like the picture below, I was thinking blowing it up on canvas for a living, dining, or bedroom.

I have a whole series of these that I'll post soon.
Have a good Thursday!