The last 36 hours have been a blur! Jack and I are blessed to have family with some serious connections at Clemson so we were hooked up with free tickets to the Gator Bowl. SO blessed and thankful! I got off work around 12 Wednesday. We arrived in Jacksonville around 7 that night, laid down for an hour, drove into downtown Jacksonville to eat and walk around. Went to bed right after midnight. Woke up at 7. Got to the game around 10:30. Game ended (badly) at 5:30ish..longest game I've probably ever been to. Got on the road around 7. Stopped to eat with Jack's family at Steak and Shake..great shakes:). Got back on the road around 8. Got home at 12:45. At work at 9 this morning. ugh. I'm tired. Got to see some great friends I haven't seen in awhile so it was worth the drive. I love traveling to Clemson games. There seems to be more unity between fans at away games. Downtown Jacksonville was pretty cool. I had my high-quality camera phone handy:)..Had to do 3 images to get the entire view. Pretty right? Hope everyone's New Year was awesome and more relaxing than mine!

*Sorry for the lack of quality pictures. My sweet puppy chewed through his first cord the other day..the one to my MacBook Pro. luckily those are not expensive to replace (sarcasm). I promise some to come soon when i have power again!
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